Complete ALL standardized formats

Edoni, Fab-Dis, Vilma …

BART processes in "full" automatic mode

Your IP is gathered beforehand and formatted in the BART Digital Catalog, directly in the standardized format.

You are alerted at the slightest concern: absence of a mandatory data, need to retouch a field due to format...

Note that the alert is triggered at the initiative of the product or the standardized format, not at the last moment, when using it to broadcast.


A large majority of BART users transmit their product listing in Edoni or Fab-Dis format, in just a few clicks, to the trade names and groups that expressly request a standardized format.

BART fills in the format from A to Z, automatically


BART takes into account all the guidelines and requirements of the standard (structure, integrity, completeness) to validate compliance, in anticipation of Edoni or Easycheck certification of Fab-Dis.

In principle, the alerts have been lifted beforehand by the issuer.

A standardized format can have other uses

Simple and automatic, you can automatically and regularly test your data in a standardized format to control and improve the quality of your product information.

Supervise and track shipments

BART is the real Swiss Army knife for product information and has many functions that one does not immediately think of because the first goal was indeed to easily fill out the standardized matrices or those of the distributors.


Over the years and in response to customer needs, BART has been enriched with highly valued functions covering various fields. Distribute with peace of mind, BART keeps your mailings. Of course, you have the same supervision and tracking as for a distributor matrix.

Integrate product information from your suppliers fournisseurs

If you are a wholesaler, or if you have a trade activity in addition to the products you manufacture, your suppliers may send you their IP according to a standard format.

BART has the same capabilities to process this format as it does for data input.

BART also thinks about the future:

Evolution, Specificities...

Like your products, the Edoni and Fab-Dis format repositories evolve regularly; BART follows these versions’ changes very closely and applies the requested modifications

If a format changes, a few hours are enough to have the new standard in BART, but often, because of the number of customers, BART has already processed the new format.
BART also processes certain specificities added or adjustments to the standard format requested by certain players in the trade.

BART is committed to processing

all standard formats

In some trades the exchanges tend to be standardized, often with the same medium as the customer matrices : the xlsx format.

The problems are similar.

However, using this "common language" is fraught with difficulties for the sender:

  • Numerous rules, different definitions and structures between the issuer's IS and the standardized format, all this makes it difficult to automate the issuing of the standardized file;
  • Manual or semi-manual filling is just tedious and time-consuming;
  • Problems specific to international business...
  • The risk of error is still strong.


The latest news

#31 Le multi ULs

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#30 Cycle de vie et traçabilité de la donnée

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#29 Le caillou dans la chaussure des Fabricants

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#28 Assurer la sécurité de l’information produit  en préservant la simplicité d’utilisation

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#27 Un exemple de la réactivité de BART : la loi AGEC

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#26 L’influenceur, nouveau canal pour doper vos ventes

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#24 Saisie automatique ou manuelle de vos données

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#23 Déléguer et gagner en efficacité

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#22 Diffuser les bons media : la solution BART

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#21 Internationalisez vos produits

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#20 Comment intégrer une information produit qualitative de vos fournisseurs ?

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#19 Diffusez le bon tarif !

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#18 Une matrice Distributeur vient d’arriver

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#17 Bien identifier ses produits

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#16 BART garantie la sécurité de l’Information Produit

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#15 - Do your customers differentiate themselves with specific value lists? BART automates their filling

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#14 - Adapt your media quickly and well to each request

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#13 - BART was present at JDC Jardin 2019

Depuis 2002, les Journées des Collections Jardin sont le lieu de rencontre entre distributeurs et fabricants du marché jardin. L'évènement...
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#12 - Welcome to BART's new industrial and wholesale customers

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