They speak about it


Good evolution of BART™ since the beginning, a lot of time saved once the formats are done and defined. 50 references in any matrix used to take me about 3 hours; with BART™ it takes me 5-10 min. When it comes to visuals, it's even better: for 50 references, I had to devote ½ day of work. With BART™, loading takes just 2 minutes!

Of course, this requires upstream work to enrich and feed the tool.

BART is a real help in everyday life, and a real time-saver!

I was talking about it with my teams yesterday, and they're very happy with BART's speed in producing visuals - it's amazing!

Claude G.
Assistant GSB & B2B Colles & Adhésifs

A year ago, I asked how much Data there was in BART™ because people aren't necessarily aware of the phenomenal amount of information it can generate. There's been a realization in our company over the last six months about the importance of centralizing Data. Things have accelerated for us, and I think BART™ has been one of the levers. (...) BART™ complements our ERP tool, which is more business-oriented, and its various functions enable us to develop our communications with our customers in a more reliable and responsive way.

Cathy D.
Key Account Assistant

We have had to cope with a transfer of workload from distribution to manufacturers (...).

We had to find a time-saving solution to these time-consuming tasks.

BART was the perfect answer to our situation (...)
I'm convinced that BART™ will aim to make Key Accounts even more autonomous: the tool perfectly meets the needs of manufacturers and saves us a lot of time!

Caroline B.
Director of DIY Adhesive Technologies

Everything we expected from the initial project has been implemented. The software is well designed, fun to use and saves an enormous amount of time: BART is a real benefit. (...)

BART™ Support is responsive and reliable: whenever we have requests, they know how to respond as quickly as possible.

Magalie G.
Sales Manager

BART™ is very easy to use.

Tool training is professional and pleasant.

All our BART™ users are unanimous: whether importing or searching for data, BART makes the process easy, the interface is ergonomic, simple, fluid and efficient.

Should users have any queries, they can contact Support, which is highly professional and efficient.

They give us immediate answers and invaluable help.

Jérôme L.
Sales Manager